Saturday, October 2, 2010

Grading Blitz 2010

400 papers.
3 people.
2 hours.

A tremendous thank you to my friend Ra and her momma for their willingness to spend a Saturday morning helping me to conquer what, otherwise, would have been an insurmountable amount of work.

You are wonderful. You are incredible. You are amazing. I could go on... Words can't describe how seriously grateful I am! I am indebted to you forever.
Love you both!

As I'm now entering assignments in the grade book, I'm realizing it would have been a MUCH better decision to grade along the way… Maybe then I would have realized how many of my students weren't turning in their work… or completing their work... or that one of my students has a 23% in math (not including missing assignments)…

Live and learn.

From now on, I'm grading papers at least once a week.

Before I sign off, I'd like to add one more thing to this post…

That's better. :)

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