Tuesday, October 18, 2011

Unplanned Redecorating

Are you curious about what's been going down at my school lately?
They say a picture is worth a thousand words...
Happy Monday!
This is a perfect example of what ONE very upset student can do to a classroom when they lose their mind. Whilst throwing scissors at people, I might add. 
Thankfully, this is not a picture of my room. It is, however, a friend's classroom who teaches across the hall from me. God bless her. God bless us all.

Wednesday, October 5, 2011

Hello, Seattle

Just booked a trip here for Fall Break!!!!!!!

So pumped to be doing something cool with my vacation days. 
So in need of a getaway.
So looking forward to exploring the city with EspressoMyHeart!

Monday, October 3, 2011

What is Important?

If you don't know what's important,
Then everything is important.
If everything is important
Then you try to do everything.
If you are attempting to do everything
Then people will expect you to do everything.
And, in trying to please everyone
You don't have enough time to find out what's important.
If you don't know what's important................ (repeat. you get the idea.)
Wise words, eh?
I think I need to read this to myself a thousand times over.
Also, I really wish I had been given this last year.