Wednesday, September 1, 2010

Tantrums in Short

Step one: Student shoves tub of connecting cubes off desk

Step two: The desk and chair are quick to follow

Step three: Keep right on teaching the math lesson like normal
(wait, this doesn't happen in your classroom??)


  1. What was that evil little creatures' problem that day.....And by the way, you did great..hope you didn't blink an eye either!!
    Aunt Sandi

  2. Anonymous9/05/2010

    my question is, how did you manage to capture the moment on camera AND keep teaching??? you are better at this than you realize. ;) ~britt

  3. Oh I have some documentation photos like this too! It's sad that you have to take pictures just to basically cover your rear! I feel for you because unfortunately I have some very similar pictures from last year! None from this year thank goodness... I'm enjoying your blog! :)
