Tuesday, September 7, 2010

Dear Lord, Please Send Me an Angel

Another teacher at my school quit. He was my friend, too. We graduated from college together. So, within a few days of each other Miss M and Mr D have both left the building (literally).
This news made for a pretty discouraging start to my day, which only got worse.

I love holidays because I get a mental break, but I hate holidays because it's a well-known fact that students magically forget everything you've taught them about how to behave. Even over just a 3 day weekend? Yes. One extra day out of school is all they need. I had to put my head in my hands and literally pray to God for patience today so many times just to keep myself from going ballistic on them :( …Needless to say, I learned how easily my students feed off the negative energy I'm exuding.

Also, I stayed at the school until 8:30pm working tonight. That's 13 hours of my day spent at work. Insanity.
And I STILL don't feel like I got everything done.

It was simply not a good day.

I just can't seem to keep up with all the paperwork, emails, phone calls, lesson planning, copying, grading, organizing, etc. etc. etc. etc. etc.
I would love to have an extra set of hands in my room to help cut down on all the tedious things I have to do after school hours instead of having a life.
Thus, I am praying for someone who would like to serve as an angel in my classroom. Literally, you would be an answer to prayer and a divine intervention. Anyone who has a couple of hours a week that they would like to spend volunteering in my classroom PLEASE say the word. I will utilize you and I will love you :)

I promise to post a more positive update soon. So far I feel like I'm making my job seem like a nightmare. It's not. It's really really really really really hard, but I am getting to positively impact the lives of these kids (God willing); and, at the end of the day, I have to remember that the kids are worth it.

Tomorrow will be better.

Please pray for me to have patience and a positive attitude.


  1. Oh girl. I don't know what it is like to teach elementary but I DO know how it feels to have way too much on my plate to handle. I stay at the school EVERYDAY until 8pm and I always bring work home. Being the volleyball coach on top of being the math department has taken a huge toll on me these past couple weeks. I feel so tired and burnt out already. This year is so much harder for me than last year. I have no social life and that kills me. I actually had the thought of quitting this week with was quickly extinguished by the Spirit. I will be praying for you so much. I often have to remind my self that my hardship is nothing compared to many Biblical people. I think about the Israelites as slaves in Egypt alot. But God has given me work to accomplish and I am determined to finish well. For His name sake. His plans are good and I have to trust Him. Press on sister.

    Jenny Rivera

    No, in all these things we are more than conquerors through him who loved us. For I am convinced that neither death nor life, neither angels nor demons, neither the present nor the future, nor any powers, neither height nor depth, nor anything else in all creation, will be able to separate us from the love of God that is in Christ Jesus our Lord.

  2. Thank you so much for that encouragement, Jenny :) Love you & I'll be praying for you!!

  3. Aunt Sandi9/08/2010

    Lindsey.. I might be able to help out on some Fridays with you, but God help those little heathens if they go crazy with me in the room !!
    Love, Aunt Sandi

  4. I'm free Mondays and Tuesdays if you need a volunteer :)

    Tess Hamilton-Jenkins

  5. Linds!

    If I lived in OKC, you know I'd be there!

    Love you.

  6. Maybe I can quit my job and be your permanent teachers aid?
