Here's the thing:
From August to October I was still running strong on lifejuice I had left over from those glorious summer months which I spent in intensive recovery from the traumatic first year, in which almost all joy for teaching was drained from my being. almost.On really difficult days I am able to remind myself of this change for the better, no matter how slight, and cling to hope instead of snowballing into whythehelldididecidetoteach mode. So that's a plus.
November hit 2011 and I hit a wall.
My endurance, vitality, strength, spirit (whatever you want to call it) as a teacher began to fade. And, let's be honest, when your job is taking that much out of you each day, the LAST thing you want to do after work is revisit the day in your mind. I had absolutely no desire to spend my time writing about my job. Shoot, I'd just lived it for 10 of my 15 waking hours. No thank you.
I didn't even want to talk about my job.
*gasp* you say, "Lindsey, not wanting to talk??"
I know, shocking. But true nonetheless.
Boundaries. It was my way of creating them. AKA trying to keep the insanity of my professional life from bleeding into my personal life. It's a delicate balance.
Thus, the frequency of my posts waned, and then ceased altogether.
However, there have certainly been blogworthy experiences in the past 3ish months that firstyearfootholds fell to neglect. And, I think frequently about how many memories I am letting pass by without note of them.
So, today I am going to bring you up to speed, friends!
Get ready for a fast-forward version of November to now.
Here we go!
One of my students brought this framed photo of her baby brother to our class for 'show and tell'. Yep. That's a beer. |
I learned you can't be too picky when asking a parent volunteer for help with a bulletin board… |
Discovery: Shellac manicure. An elementary teacher's only hope for no chip nails. Amazing. |
I did, indeed, take that trip to the Seattle over Fall Break. I had a lovely time with Espresso My Heart. |
My students earned the most AR points for reading!! Their reward was smacking me in the face with TWO pies at our morning assembly. |
I got really good at make-ahead lunches. That cafeteria crap will kill you. (but I still eat it sometimes.) |
I got a flower. |
A pair of panties mysteriously appeared on my classroom floor one day. No one would claim them. |
I baked my first Thanksgiving pie. |
I became the school mascot. Scary, I know. |
I got beat up by a snowboard in Crested Butte over Christmas Break. |
Willy still can't quite get the hang of the sign language symbol for 'restroom'….bless his heart. |
Okay. That's that.
I feel better knowing at least part of the empty months of my blog have been filled in with a series of random photographs.
I left a few things out so I could write more meaty posts regarding those events.
In other words, more posts to come.
Stay tuned!